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At Goya Languages we work with the GOYA METHOD, an innovative method which allows you to learn Spanish in a faster, more natural and fun way. You'll find yourself both understanding, and speaking Spanish from the first lesson.

We teach grammar and vocabulary through communication activities in which the student actively participates. We also focus on helping students to gain confidence and fluency when speaking Spanish, and our groups are small so that each student can get the most out of each lesson.

10-week Beginner courses 

These courses aim to introduce you to the Spanish language. Learn all the basics about greetings, shopping, likes and dislikes, the present, past and future tenses... By the end of this programme, you will be able to keep up a simple conversation, go shopping, make plans with other people, talk about past events and travel the world and the seven seas! The courses inlclude the Pdf Course Book.






10 and 12-week Elementary courses 

Our elementary level is divided in 2 modules, and every course lasts for 10 or 12 weeks. You will learn about food, going to restaurants, going to the doctors, all the past tenses, how to give directions and commands, advices and express wishes and opinions, along with lots of useful expressions and vocabulary. By the end of the Elementary level, you will be able to speak confidently and much more fluently.The courses inlclude the Pdf Course Book.





10 & 12-week Intermediate courses 

Divided in 3 stages, each course will cover all the Indicative and most of the Subjunctive, to be able to express wishes, advices, and opinions about anything. You will also get depper into the world of idioms, fixed expressions and you'll practice how to talk about a movie, a book and a trip in a more complex way. You will feel quite confident when speaking Spanish by the end of Intermediate Part 3.

10 & 12-week Upper-Intermediate courses 

Divided in 4 stages, each course of 10 or 12 weeks will introduce you to the subjunctive deeply, to be able to express wishes and opinions about anything. You will also get depper into the world of idioms, fixed expressions and you'll practice how to talk about a movie, a book and a trip in a more complex way. You will feel absolutely confident when speaking Spanish by the end of Upper-Intermediate 2, as well as able to watch series, movies and read books en español.

Book Clubs in Spanish

A great chance to boost your Spanish through reading. Our Spanish book club is quite popular because we carefully select the books in Spanish that are interesting and not difficult to read. Every week our students read a reasonable amount of pages to be commented on the class, where we see expressions, vocabulary and talk about related topics to make every session exciting and fun! There are 4 students per group and courses last betweek 6 and 8 weeks. Join this wonderful experience!

1-week INTENSIVE Beginner courses 

Our INTENSIVE SPANSIH courses are Monday-Saturday and they last for 18 hours. These courses aim to introduce you to the Spanish language and learn as fast as possible. Learn all the basics about greetings, shopping, likes and dislikes, the present, past and future tenses... By the end of this programme, you will be able to keep up a simple conversation, go shopping, make plans with other people, talk about past events and travel the world and the seven seas! The courses inlclude a digital Course Book.






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Don't miss the chance to join  our famous GOYA EXCHANGE!

Spanish- English

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